All Classes and Interfaces

Handles /hexnicks commands for reloading and editing the config.
Handles /nick command execution and tab completion.
Handles /nickcolor command execution and tab completion.
Handles /nickother command execution and tab completion.
Handles /nonick command execution and tab completion.
Handles /realname command execution and tab completion.
Handles all config options in the plugin.
Main plugin class.
Handles the Nicks API.
Handles the plugin's MySQL connections.
Handles hooked plugins.
Handles Json storage for nicknames.
Manages plugin logging.
Handles all plugin messages.
A message that has no arguments that need to be replaced.
A message that has one argument that needs to be replaced.
A message that has two arguments that need to be replaced.
A wrapper for MiniMessage to add a few more methods for more customization.
A builder for MiniMessageWrapper.
Handles general utility methods.
Handles the event fired when a player sets their nickname's color.
Handles the event fired when a player removes their nickname.
Handles the event fired when a player removes another player's nickname.
Handles tab completion for /realname.
Handles formatting player chat if enabled in the config.
Handles the player join event.
Handles the event fired when a player sets their nickname.
Handles the event fired when a player sets another player's nickname.
Handles Sql storage for nicknames.
Handles different storage methods.
Handles some static utility methods available to tab completer.
Used to check for plugin updates from the Spigot plugin page.