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All permissions except hexnicks.nick.other, hexnicks.nonick.other,, hexnicks.config-editor, and hexnicks.reload are given to all players by default but can be negated by a permissions manager like LuckPerms. Learn how to do that here.

A lot of these permissions are tied to commands, read command documentation here.


This permission node allows players to use the command /nick to change their nickname.


This permission node is intended for staff and allows them to use the command /nickother to change the nickname of other players.


This permission node allows players to use the command /nonick to remove their nickname.


This permission node is intended for staff and allows them to remove the nickname of another player using /nonick.


This permission node allows players to use /nickcolor to change just the color of their nickname.


This permission node allows players to use /realname to view the name of a player using a certain nickname.


This permission node is intended for staff and allows them to edit the HexNicks config via pastebin using /hexnicks config-editor.


This permission node is intended for staff and allows them to use /hexnicks reload to reload the plugin.

This permission node is a dangerous one to grant as it allows players to inject things like hover events and click-to-run-command events into chat. Players without this permission will only be able to use MiniMessage tags for colors in chat. This permission allows them to use all MiniMessage tags in chat.

Read about chat formatting here.


This permission node allows players to use all standard color codes (ex. \<red>, \<dark_blue>) in their nicknames. You can specify only specific colors with (or any of the other 16 Mincraft color names).

Read about color formatting here.


This permission node allows players to use hex color codes (ex. \<#aabbcc>, \<color:#aabbcc>) in their nicknames.


This permission node allows players to use gradients in their nicknames.

See gradient examples here.

Blocking Certain Color Usage

By default, all players have permission to use all colors. You can view all of the permissions here. To prevent a player from using a certain color code simply negate the permission for the color you want to block.

Blocking Certain Text Decoration Usage

By default, all players have permission to use all text decorations. You can view all of the permissions here. To prevent a player from using a certain text decoration code simply negate the permission for the color you want to block.

How to negate permissions with LuckPerms

If you wanted to, for example, only give certain groups permission to use gradients, you would need to negate the permission for the other groups. To do this using LuckPerms, you would run

/lp group <group> permission set hexnicks.color.gradient false

replacing <group> with the name of the group you're modifying.